Event Calendar

Station 1

  1. Events
  2. Venues
  3. Station 1
Events at this venue

OPEN HOUSE at Station 1

Station 1 6595 Main Street, Gloucester, VA, United States

In recognition of Fire Prevention Week, we will be having an Open House at Station 1 on Main Street. Firetruck rides Firetruck and ambulance tours Sparky the fire dog Learn to use a fire extinguisher Fire prevention information

Annual Blood Drive

Station 1 6595 Main Street, Gloucester, VA, United States

To schedule an appointment. VISIT https://redcrossblood.org Sponsor Code GVFRS  

CPR (GVFRS Members Only)

Station 1 6595 Main Street, Gloucester, VA, United States

Healthcare provider CPR for GVFRS Members Only. 6pm sharp. Please RSVP below to save your spot.


All events are subject to change without notice.
GVFRS is not responsible for outside events listed here.